
Welcome to Garena Free Fire: Wonderland tournament hosted by Sovan Maity. This is a Squad tournament.


  1. Please be respectful to your host and other participants. If any malicious behavior is reported, you will be removed from the tournament.
  2. Please be on time for your registration and for the actual tournament. You (and your team) will be disqualified on no-show
  3. Magni quaerat quisquam quam dicta voluptatem. Quasi nihil quaerat voluptatem omnis quaerat ratione. Iure assumenda quisquam nisi quia sit assumenda.


Optio et voluptatum repellat rem tempora sunt dolor. Culpa dolores perferendis consequuntur numquam facere qui. Provident cupiditate commodi. Consequuntur aut quo.